Rank, name, followers
"#1 Britney Spears 807,743
#2 Larry Page 780,994
#3 Snoop Dogg 681,127
#4 Mark Zuckerberg 612,321
#5 Tyra Banks 571,843
#6 Paris Hilton 525,609
#7 Richard Branson 515,344
#8 Jessi June 512,775
#9 Sergey Brin 502,636
#10 Vic Gundotra 495,516
#11 Tom Anderson 482,796
#12 Dane Cook 473,356
#13 will.i.am 432,883
#14 Trey Ratcliff 403,858
#15 Thomas Hawk 399,687
#16 Felicia Day 388,210
#17 Dalai Lama 378,951
#18 Hugh Jackman 374,329
#19 Guy Kawasaki 368,127
#20 Ron Garan 366,370"
SocialStatisics.com, retrieved 1st December 2011Notes:
Jesse June is a glamour model (!)
Vic Gundotra is a techie at Google
Trey Radcliff & Thomas Cook are both photo bloggers
Dane Cook is a comedian & actor
Felicia Day is an actress
Ron Garan is a NASA Astronaut
Tom Anderson is 'Tom from MySpace'
Mark Zuckerberg has seemingly never added anything - people just think it's amusing to add him
Compare to the
Twitter top 10 - 7 of those are women, only 4 of the G+ top 10 are; Britney Spears is the only person to appear on both lists. The other striking things are that it's still comparatively 'techie' and photography is popular.