
Wednesday, October 20, 2010



EDGE makes use of the existing GSM infrastructure in a highly effi cient manner. Radio network planning will not be greatly affected since it will be possible to reuse many existing BTS sites. GPRS packet switching nodes will be unaffected, because they function independently of the user bit rates, and any modifi cations to the switching nodes will be limited to software upgrades. There is also a smooth evolution path defi ned for terminals to ensure that EDGE-capable terminals will be small and competitively priced.

EDGE-capable channels will be equally suitable for standard GSM services, and no special EDGE, GPRS, and GSM services will be needed. From an operator viewpoint this allows a seamless introduction of new EDGE services — perhaps starting with the deployment of EDGE in the service hot spots and gradually expanding coverage as demand dictates. The roll-out of EDGE-capable BSS hardware can become part of the ordinary expansion and capacity enhancement of the network. The wideband data capabilities offered by EDGE allows a step-by-step evolution to IMT-2000, probably through a staged deployment of the new 3G air interface on the existing core GSM network. Keeping GSM as the core network for the provision of 3G wireless services has additional commercial benefi ts. It protects the investment of existing operators; it helps to ensure the widest possible customer base from the outset; and it fosters supplier competition through the continuous evolution of systems.

GSM operators who win licenses in new 2 GHz bands will be able to introduce IMT-2000 wideband coverage in areas where early demand is likely to be greatest. Dual-mode EDGE/IMT-2000 mobile terminals will allow full roaming and handoff from one system to the other, with mapping of services between the two systems. EDGE will contribute to the commercial success of the 3G system in the vital early phases by ensuring that IMT-2000 subscribers will be able to enjoy roaming and interworking globally.

Building on an existing GSM infrastructure will be relatively fast and inexpensive, compared to establishing a total 3G system. The intermediate move to GPRS and later to EDGE will make the transition to 3G easier. While GPRS and EDGE require new functionality in the GSM network, with new types of connections to external packet data networks they are essentially extensions of GSM. Moving to a GSM/IMT-2000 core network is likewise a further extension of this network.


PS Services. The GPRS architecture provides IP connectivity from the mobile station to an external fi xed IP network. For each service, a QoS profi le is defi ned. The QoS parameters include priority, reliability, delay, and maximum and mean bit rate. A specifi ed combination of these parameters defi nes a service, and different services can be selected to suit the needs of different applications. CS Services. The current GSM standard supports both transparent (T) and nontransparent (NT) services. Eight transparent services are defi ned, offering constant bit rates in the range of 9.6 to 64 kbps.

A nontransparent service uses RLP to ensure virtually error-free data delivery. For this case, there are eight services offering maximum user bit rates from 4.8 to 57.6 kbps. The actual user bit rate may vary according to channel quality and the resulting rate of transmission.

The introduction of EDGE implies no change of service defi nitions. The bit rates are the same, but the way services are realized in terms of channel coding is different. For example, a 57.6 kbps nontransparent service can be realized with coding scheme ECSD TCS-1 (telephone control channel-1) and two time slots, while the same service requires four time slots with standard GSM using coding scheme TCH/F14.4. Thus, EDGE CS transmission makes the high bit rate services available with fewer time slots, which is advantageous from a terminal implementation perspective. Additionally, since each user needs fewer time slots, more users can be accepted which increases the capacity of the system.

Asymmetric Services Due to Terminal Implementation. ETSI has standardized two mobile classes: one that requires only GMSK transmission in the uplinkand 8-PSK in the downlink and one that requires 8-PSK in both links. For the first class, the uplink bit rate is limited to that of GSM/GPRS, while the EDGE bit rate is still provided in the downlink. Since most services are expected to require higher bit rates in the downlink than in the uplink, this is a way of providing attractive services with a low complexity mobile station. Similarly, the number of time slots available in the uplink and downlink need not be the same. However, transparent services will be symmetrical.

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