
Monday, November 1, 2010

Satellite internet- a new sense of technology

Today the world is mostly operating with help of i posted here some of the useful information about the satellite internet access.

The satellite internet access is a wireless service that is extremely used in all over the world. But due to the non-availability of terrestrial internet access it cannot be connected.. It is also very popular among users of ‘movable’ locations.
Let us see how does these satellite internet works?
The wireless connectivity and instant access to anywhere in the world 24x7 has lead technologists to now tap on internet access via satellite! This is a world wide availability that is being sourced and includes connectivity at sea and within land vehicles. The system basically comes in three types and the variants all use the connectivity enhanced via the local satellite service.
Connectivity via special hardware components:

The internet connectivity via satellite can be tapped through interface presence, like the telephone network that is ‘public-switched’ as in the case of the squawk box applications. In this case, a physical and separate internet ‘connection’ is not required. The system operates with the support of a server-to-queue-data connectivity and includes an FTP or File Transfer Protcol. In the case of connectivity via system hardware components, the transmitting station or the teleport is supported by two important components.

The internet connection is made possible when the ISP routers are connected to the designed proxy servers. This connectivity enforces the band-width limits of the QOS or ‘quality of service’, thus enabling user traffic. This connectivity is furthered to the DVB encapsulator and then, the S modem. The DVB-S modem then transmits an RF or radio frequency to the outdoor unit, through the up converter connected via a feed line. The system components also include a block up converter, an optional low noise block converter, an optional orthomode transducer, a feed horn and a waveguide. This connectivity is routed to an Earth station, which is a setup that consists of an outdoor and indoor unit.

Connectivity with help of the software components:

In case of remote sites, most satellite internet connections or one-way multicast applications need custom programming technology. This requires the software to be able to effectively filter, store and offer access to a selection interface and data. The transmitting station also needs to incorporate some software to handle access control and queuing-sending-encapsulating of the data on a prior basis. The remote sites require a programming back up to be able to provide authentication and take care of the proxy server settings essential to the operation. The filtering operation is provided by the DVB card driver, while the non-standard IP stacks address asymmetry and latency issues. The data is encrypted to be accessible to any satellite receiver.

The IP-over-satellite units usually incorporate proxy servers that are paired at the end-points and VPNs or virtual private network implementations. This is to ensure that communication between the clients and servers need not accept the inherent latency. The virtual private network implementations are designed for satellite links to handle long packet travel time. In connectivity via software components, the upload speeds are limited by the user's modem, and latency is high. The download speeds in such connectivity can be much faster than that in the case of dial-up.

Connectivity with one-way terrestrial return:
The satellite internet connectivity via one-way terrestrial return uses the traditional dial up access. The system has out-bound data traveling through a telephone-based modem.This enables the users to surf and download at broadband speeds! The GPRS enables a mobility that transmits in the field of 50 to 53 dBW. However, downloads are handled by satellite. While a license is required for the uplink station, there is no such requirement for users. Another type of the same system incorporates the use of the General Packet Radio Service. This system enhances the back-channel by using a standard GPRS connection. The upload volume in this system is low and the service is charged by volume uploaded. The mobile or satellite internet connectivity that is broadband enhanced can be accessed with the help of the recommended satellite dish width, a note-book and GPRS-GSM telephone.
If you know any further information about this post you can comment here and your comments are welcomed.

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